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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Bioenergy

Charlotte Weaver

I am studying for an interdisciplinary MSc/PhD in the Doctoral Training Centre for Bioenergy

Charlotte Weaver



I graduated from The University of Nottingham in 2013 with an MSci in Natural Sciences, where I focused on mathematics and chemistry. For my final year project I looked at the adsorption of carbon dioxide and hydrogen in metal organic frameworks, which can be used for carbon capture and storage.

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Research Interests

I am interested in looking at how bioenergy production, and therefore bioenergy crop cultivation and wood use, affects global land use change, deforestation and the climate. Currently, I am looking for data sets that can show me where bioenergy resources, such as wood and bioenergy crops, are located across the globe and therefore whether this is impinging on forests. I am also going to be looking at projected bioenergy scenarios/datasets from integrated assessment models for the years up to 2100 and determine their effect on land use change and the climate by inputting them into climate models.

Why I chose the CDT in Bioenergy

After doing my undergraduate masters project, I discovered an interest for energy production, emissions and their impact on our environment. I also discovered an interest for using computational models. The bioenergy CDT was therefore the perfect route for me to learn more about this area whilst improving my computational skills.